PROJECT: Arc Flash Hazard Analysis
Included in the many of the design projects we perform are the services to provide a short circuit analysis, coordination study, and arc flash hazard analysis to include all of the new and existing electrical distribution systems. Integrated into the study are the new utility protection relays, generator protection relays, feeder protection relays, medium voltage breakers, generators, resistors, low voltage breakers, and associated switchgear, switchboards, panelboards, electrical feeders, etc. The short circuit analysis evaluates and compares the equipment duty ratings of the equipment versus the calculated maximum available short circuit current at each of the equipment or device locations. The coordination study includes the manipulation of the electrical system protective relays and breaker settings to coordinate with fuses and downstream devices to allow for equipment start-up and proper operation while providing the best possible service continuity and protection of the personnel operating the facility.
The arc flash hazard analysis is the culmination of both the short circuit and coordination studies described above to determine the arc flash hazard levels and corresponding hazard category at each of the equipment or device locations in the distribution system. The results of the analysis dictate the appropriate level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is required for personnel to wear while interacting with energized electrical equipment. The arc flash and coordination studies are performed in conjunction with each other to determine the appropriate settings for protective devices to provide proper coordination while attempting to obtain minimal hazard levels if possible.